Grape expectations as entries open for 2020 New World Wine Awards
Media Release Entries are now open to the 2020 New World Wine Awards and the judges are eagerly awaiting the…
Brightwater Vineyards Pinot Noir gets Gold Medal for 12th time
Brightwater Vineyards 2017 Lord Rutherford Pinot Noir has just been awarded a GOLD MEDAL at New Zealand International Wineshow! This is Brightwater Vineyards 12th…
Colin Harrison Memorial Trophy
Each year at the Nelson Winegrowers annual dinner The Colin Harrison Memorial Trophy is presented to the producer of the…
Brightwater Vineyards
Published in the Nelson Mail 01.08.18 Brightwater Vineyards is one of Nelson’s quiet achievers, owners Gary & Valley Neale just…
Wine Shows and Judging
Published in the Nelson Mail 20.06.18 Wine show season is rapidly approaching. The range of competitions that showcase the finest…
Gold medal stickers on bottles & New World Wine Awards – 04.10.17
I am often asked whether or not a gold medal sticker on a bottle of wine really means anything, this…
Colin Harrison Memorial Trophy & Rimu Grove Wines – Nelson Mail 16.08.17
A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of helping judge the Colin Harrison Memorial Trophy for Nelson’s top chardonnay,…