Outside the Square
While big NZ producers are pumping out millions of litres of wine a year, there are small wineries doing things…
Seabreeze Café – A walk on the spicy side for lunch
Seabreeze Café is appropriately not far from the upper Waitemata Harbour, and located in the Westmere shopping village. For a…
Okay. Bubbles. Fizz. Popping the cork for celebration! Nothing wrong with that. Enjoy. Wine- like food, humour and company is…
New Flavour Restaurant
Dominion Road has become Auckland’s default Chinatown with a multitude of Chinese restaurants and businesses in the city fringe suburb…
Young Wine Vs Old Wine
Over the last month I have opened a few wines, as one does, and this time it was a mixture…
What I Drank in The Holidays
Our Auckland summer keeps going and going and long may it last. Grapes love dry, hot weather – so bring…
Matt Connell – Wines Southern Superman
Matt Connell was born in Taranaki and grew up in Christchurch, eventually making his way north to where working at…
Wonderful Waipara – NZ’s best kept secret
Waipara? Somewhere near north Canterbury isn’t it? Yes it is, and if you want to get into some fantastic wines, you should…
Rockin’ the Central Otago’s Rockburn wines.
A Central Otago high-flyer, Rockburn has done very well, with their pinot noir picking up numerous awards. Winery owner is…