Indian Curry Wraps
Last week I told you about the Nelson Market on-line store, a store that means you can shop for your favourite local hand-crafted products from the comfort of your armchair, but I also mentioned I was going to tell you about some of the people making exceptional ethnic foods, food styles they have brought with them from their homelands and this week it’s all Indian – Indian Curry Wraps in fact.
Indian Curry Wraps
Last week I told you about the Nelson Market on-line store, a store that means you can shop for your favourite local hand-crafted products from the comfort of your armchair, but I also mentioned I was going to tell you about some of the people making exceptional ethnic foods, food styles they have brought with them from their homelands and this week it’s all Indian – Indian Curry Wraps in fact.
Yo Mama’s Empanadas
By now you will know I am a real fan of food carts that bring authentic flavours from other countries…
Nelson Market online store
I am always amazed by the range and high quality of the stall holders at the Nelson Market in Montgomery Square every Saturday, I’m especially impressed by the food stalls who serve up delicious flavours from around the world. You will find everything from cheeses and fresh produce to see you through the following week to tasty ethnic foods to enjoy in the sun at the market.