If you want to start your own cider and winemaking business it wouldn’t hurt at all if you have a decent wine production pedigree, and that is the case with Mark and Sophie McGill from Abel in Flaxmore Road. In…
If you want to start your own cider and winemaking business it wouldn’t hurt at all if you have a…
Capital Cider Co.
Published in the Nelson Mail 31.10.18 There is a new player in the craft cider scene in Nelson and they…
Peckham’s Cider – Nelson Mail – 06.12.17
The Nelson region has a rich history in cider making but this apple based drink has seen a resurgence in…
Peckham's Cider – Nelson Mail – 06.12.17
After a very success showing at this year’s cider awards where Peckham’s won five of the seven trophies awarded I caught up with Caroline to find out about changes they have made in the last couple of years and changes in the industry. The biggest change is the addition of the canning line but they…
Nelson, The Artisan Capital of New Zealand – Nelson Mail 28.02.17
Writing this column often has me pondering about just how much our food and beverage choices have changed over the…
Peckham’s Cider – Published Nelson Mail 12.01.16
When Caroline and Alex Peckham moved from Britain to New Zealand one of the things they really missed was a…