Pestell’s Rai Bacon Company – Nelson Mail 28.03.18
March 28, 2018
Like many other offices the conversation in our tea room often revolves around food be it what someone had to eat the night before, a new recipe, maybe a new product and we all like different things, but we all…
Pestell’s Rai Bacon Company – Nelson Mail 28.03.18
March 28, 2018
Like many other offices the conversation in our tea room often revolves around food be it what someone had to…
Pestell's Rai Bacon Company – Nelson Mail 28.03.18
March 28, 2018
Pestell’s Rai Valley Bacon Company is a family owned business run by third generation butchers, Chris and Steve Pestell. The identical twins literally grew up in the butchery trade, spending many hours after school hanging around their father’s butcher shop in Stoke so I think it is fair to say they were destined to carry…