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Hawke’s bay wine auction pre-tasting outstanding line up

  • Neil Hodgson
  • News

A strong group of wine lovers and enthusiasts were at the Napier Conference Centre last night, to pre-sample an outstanding line up of 41 mostly Hawke’s Bay wine blends that will be up for grabs in a months’ time, at the 28th annual Hawke’s Bay Wine Auction. Guests were impressed by the extraordinary wines on offer. 

Hawke’s Bay Wine Auction, Project Manager, Elisha Milmine is delighted with the quality of wines in this year’s auction lot line up “it is great to see the Hawke’s Bay wineries have again put thought and consideration into their auction lot, these superb blends continue to amaze, paired with the experiences, House of Travel Vanuatu package and art.  We are looking forward to next month when these items go under the hammer to raise funds for Cranford Hospice who have been called ‘Angels on Earth’ by families of patients cared for by Cranford.” Mrs Milmine said. 

Mike McRoberts, Event Ambassador says “I feel absolutely honored and privileged to be the Event Ambassador for this event, it encompasses two amazing things, supporting Cranford Hospice and the best wine in the country!  I’m really looking forward to the main event in November”

Mauricio Benega – the 2019 Hawke’s Bay Wine Auction feature artist’s painting, ‘The Wine Capital of NZ’ had many admirers and people speculating what the going price will be next month at the main event. The painting will be displayed in the arrivals terminal of Hawke’s Bay Airport in the lead up to the Wine Auction in November.

Hawke’s Bay Wine Auction is your chance to group together with friends, wander the room speaking with winemakers while tasting often unique and always exceptional wines they have on auction.  This is followed by the auction, raise your paddles to walk away with some of Hawke’s Bay’s finest wines, one travel package or our feature art piece. There is a blend, a collection, an experience that will captivate everyone.  

All auction proceeds go to the Cranford Hospice, to help them continue doing what they do so well.

This year’s Hawke’s Bay Wine Auction is on November 9th at the Hastings City Art Gallery. Tickets are being snapped up fast, numbers are limited and typically sell out – so be in quick, or to register for absentee bidding, visit

To follow update’s sign up at or ‘like’ Hawke’s Bay Wine Auction, Facebook page.

Neil Hodgson

I have been writing a regular wine column for The Nelson Mail newspaper since 2000.

Unfortunately the column space is not big enough to include my thoughts on all of the many wines I taste. Hopefully this blog will fix that. It also gives me somewhere to archive the many columns I write. I will also include some favourite recipes from my dearly beloved who loves cooking and of course because wine and food simply go together. I will also point you in the direction of upcoming events and websites I think are great. Enjoy, Neil

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