Rain and labour clouds in optimistic outlook for 2022 wine vintage
As you travel around the region supporting local businesses you will have noticed netting being draped over grape vines in…
Nelson Food Distributors and The Chook Farm
Last week I wrote about Skipper’s Choice Sauces and Dressings, this week it’s about another member of the Jones family,…
Skipper’s Choice Sauces & Dressings
Skipper’s Choice Sauces and Dressings is one of those producers that many people may not realise is made in Nelson,…
Under the Hood BBQ Sauce
Early last year I wrote about Dave King who started Under the Hood BBQ with his wife Michelle. Since then…
The Nelson Farmers Market is alive and well in its new location next to the library in Halifax St, in…
ViaVio Cheese
Flavio Donati and Flavia Spena set up ViaVio Cheese at the end of 2016 and, after five years ViaVio is…
Speedway Sauce
A couple of years ago I wrote about Tasman Bay Fruit Co. and their frozen Juicies products that are the…
The Qualitea Cafe
The Qualitea Cafe located on the Hardy Street entrance to the Marble Arch Arcade may be one of two side-by-side…
Little Dove Café
In recent weeks we have been talking a lot about supporting local businesses, especially small businesses that need our support…