South Pacific Salt – Perfectly Pure Marlborough Sea Salt
A new business opened a packaging plant in Stoke recently, South Pacific Salt sources pure, natural sea salt from Marlborough,…
Seabreeze Café – A walk on the spicy side for lunch
Seabreeze Café is appropriately not far from the upper Waitemata Harbour, and located in the Westmere shopping village. For a…
Karamaya Black Garlic
An essential food product in our house is garlic, we use it in almost every dish we make and one…
What to do with Celeriac…
You may have seen this strange looking, mud filled vegetable at the local farmers market and wondered “what am I…
Pic Picot – The Peanut Butter King
Something that has always intrigued me about Pic Picot – the man behind the peanut butter brand that has spread throughout the…
Okay. Bubbles. Fizz. Popping the cork for celebration! Nothing wrong with that. Enjoy. Wine- like food, humour and company is…
Chokdee Thai Cuisine
No matter where you look in this delightful region there appears to be a Thai restaurant within a short distance,…
Kismet Cocktail and Whiskey Lounge
Regular readers of this column will know about my love of wine and good food, but what about other drinks?…
Root to Tip cooking competition
There is a very cool cooking competition happening right around New Zealand right now, it challenges kids from years five…